Tuesday, 22 November 2011

CDM Crowning Ceremony 2011

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Jom saksikan kemeriahan di red carpet @ Anugerah CDM Hai-O Marketing. Majlis yg berlansung adalah bersempena Hari Ulang Tahun Hai-O Marketing yg ke 19. Enjoys the pikchaz peeps!

Self-Make-up jerk..xbrapa pueh hati =(


Posing dulu before bertolak ngeee

My Super Glamourous CDM Mai

Me and CDM Hanis..Adore her gorgeous dress!

My Biz Partners =) All gorgeous tak hengat

Da glamourous Babes!

Dr. Tahirah, Ryn and I

Liza and I..we share the same aims!

Wid and I, she is classically beautiful

Nurul and I, she is a Fighter!

Look at her dress..super elegant

CDM Mai looks stunning in her super galamourous yellow dress!

CDM Mai with her supportive husband

Shida and I.. We will follow K.Mai's foot steps..Insyaallah
( babe, awesome makeup by Sephora)

After joining this biz, i feel more confident with myself. I think this biz somehow cultivate your inner strength to be brave and positive in every aspect of life.. It teaches me 'a lot' !!  =)

It's me Ayda!

Call me up if you wanna know more about this bussines.

My Dream Came TRUE at Last!!

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Alhamdullilah syukur setelah 3 bulan buat biznes ni my life has upgraded a lot! I am NO LONGER depending on my monthly salary from the company. I  can now  live comfortably spending monthly BONUS from my biznes. Having side income is A MUST in today's world! Money can't buy everything but nowadays Everything needs Money.
One thing i would like to share is my dream car! I have mentioned about this in my previous entry. I have longed to have a CIVIC as my family car! To be specific HONDA CIVIC (Type-R) and in white colour.

To tell the truth Civic was my husband's dream car (we shared the same dream anyway). He almost bought that car before we got married, but he decided not to buy as living cost after marriage was going to be very higher! So he just hoped to drive the car one day..when our financial is stable..Talking about havin a family, all of us fully understand how it feels when in the middle of the month you need an urgent money to settle bills, credit cards, what more if we have kids. The feelings that i have gone through taught me that i need to something to upgrade my life style.

After 3 months doing this wonderful biznes, I manage to upgrade my 1.3EZi Perodua MyVi to 1.8SL Honda Civic. Just after 3 months.

I am very confident that my bonus can help my hubby (a bit) to drive his dream car. He also thanked me and proud of having a very helpful wifey. Well..that's what we call 'symbiosis'. We and our spouses should support each other (in our own ways). And now, we're happily bringing up our son Daniel in a very comfortable way. That's my target; to have financial freedom in young age!

And now, i'm targetting to have my own super sporty car for me, myself like.....


Hehehe..OR this one

weeehuuu sexayy huh!

Those are beyond my target guys. Let's be reasonbale, achievable and measurable..(like preparing lesson plan laks, maklum la cekgu...) My current and affordable target is NEW Honda CR-Z Hybrid (i love hybrid cars).

of corz in Pynk!

And somehow, i know, i can get it! Just trust yourself and work towards it! Insyaallah you'll get it..

let's be financially freeeee =)

ayda 019-620 2296

-Thanks for reading this entry -

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Another Testimonials..Check 'em out!

Assalamualaikum W.B.T,

Bestnyer..teringin nk gi vietnam laa..nk borong vietnam silk yg two-tone mcm kt bawah niiiie...cantik kan??

baju tradisional vietnam ni pon cam comellll.....nak jugak lahhh!!

Eh alamak..sorry2 entry hari nie bukanlah nk cerita pasal vietnam tapi nak dedahkan testimoni rakan2 opisku yg sempoi2 dan ber PB tegar. jOm layan crita sorang2..

Puan Haizan, beliaulah org pertama yg menegur badanku nmpk langsing huhuhu (bangga jap). Beliau ialah seorang senior lecturer kt CFGS nih. Nampak je badanku dh langsing (walopun sikit sbb baru pakai 3 minggu), dia terus ajak jumpa utk ukur badan and nak beli PB. Hasilnya..gambar di atas..kt bahagian hip dan peha mmg BANYAK sgt beza..mmg tak mcm dolu :

Yang ni ialah seolang ahmoi cantikkk kt CFGS! Dia mmg sgt cantik dan ceria! Nak kata gemuk..xdelahh gemuk sgt si Evelyn nih..comel jerk.. tapi dia sendiri yg rasa badan dia dh naek dan lambat turun disebabkan fakto 'ageing'. Mmg metabolisme badan akan menurun jika usia meningkat. So dia pon nk cuba pakai PB bolehh!! Dan hasilnya badan yg ada flabby terus jadi flat and sleeeeek...!

Dan yang ni pulak K.Lilie..our fren yg berada di UNITEN Muadzam. She is a mother of 3 kids hoccay! ini ialah effect selepas 5 minit memakai PB. pinggang terus mengecil dan postur badan terus straight!! Skarang dh maintain balik dah badan and tak perlu risau ttg masalah kegemukan.

So..semua my frens kt CFGS dh pakai dalam 3 bulan lah..dan semua sgt2 berpuas hati dgn servis yg PB berikan huhu...

nak FREE trial?

Just call me 019-6202296

Saturday, 12 November 2011


Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Hi frens. Hari ni ayda nk berkongsi tentang bestnya dapat belajar selok belok biznes dgn group di B32, Batu Caves. Mula2 nk start biz ni, rasa agak trauma jgak sbb sblum byk biz2 yg ayda join, leaders hanya akan 'buat2 baek' masa awal2 jerk. After kita dh sign-up ...haaaahhh pandai2 ngko laa!!! (muahahhaha gelak jahat) tak baek tau buat usahawan novice cenggituuu....doserrr....seriyes, tak penah lagi la ayda disuruh pergi kelas dan diberi ilmu perniagaan sebegini... latihan, tunjuk ajar, strategy dan jugak motivasi daripada pemimpin2 champian B32!

CDM Hanis melaungkan 'teamwork spirit'

Bagus sgt2 attend kuliah macam ni..byk ilmu dpt dipelajari, bukan setakat knowledge tapi real experience diorang share. Pulak tu speech yg disampaikan menggunakan ayat2 'laymen' je..tak complicated pun senang nk faham..sebab biznes adalah untuk SEMUA.. name it? lawyer? mejistret? teacher? doctor? engineer? clerk? housewife? semua ada..dan yg pastinya semua dh berjaya..

CDM Hanis memperkenalkan model pakaian Vietnam..My next target is VIETNAM hey ho let's go! F.O.C okkay
CDM Hanis (with CDM Mai n CDM Salha) memberi personal touch kepada team mates! Berkobar2 dan bersemangat apabila mendengar speech beliau

So rutin ayda setiap hujung minggu ialah attend majlis ilmu di B32 utk serap ilmu biznes dan juga cas aura motivasi huhuhuhu =p best jgk had a good laugh dgn geng2! okeyh layan pics  yerr!

Barisan pemenang jam tangan. Setiap bulan ada pemenang jam tangan. Team kami mmg HEBAT!

with Mimi, pemenang jam tangan utk bulan October. (which means her sales last month waz RM 100k !!!!!)  Nak jadi cam you jgk lah babe!

My great leader, CDM Maisarah - tak pernah berkira atau lokek ilmu! she rocks!

My bubbly friend, Shida and her fwen =) 

Every saturday adalah pengisian sikit tentang ilmu biznes. Untung kan? Ada product hebat, pemimpin hebat, kuliah hebat. sangatlah rugi kalau kita tak venture dlm biznes begini. Jangan segan silu even kalau nk tanya apa2 tentang biznes ni yer.

contact ayda: 019-620 2296


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