Sunday, 29 January 2012

This is a NEW beginning!

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

My decision to venture in this Premium Beautiful business was truly RIGHT !! At first, when I thought of starting a business all over again, I felt that I would never succeed in any business ...I was kinda having phobia towards starting a business...seriously!

Two years ago I ventured in a food and beverages business. I even owned a restaurant. My interest in running a business was very very deep..however the good luck wasn't on my side..and I had to discontinue running my restaurant business. ( I can't simply tell that it was caused by black magic, but people do practice black magics today especially among restaurant owners). To me, whatever passed, it's over..but my desire to achieve my target which is financial freedom at young age keeps me studying various kind of businesses again.

 menus offered in my restaurants

My Restaurant

The ideas of Deco purely by ME =3

At that time I was 26 years old..I started to think about how to generate extra money, how to be rich, investment, passive income..and so forth. But again, when i told my hubby to venture in a business, he reminded and warned me that we would never succeed bcoz we have already exprienced nightmare in a business before. Therefore, the intention to start a business ended there..but deep in my heart i made a promise to venture in a business and accomplish all my targets in life! but it should be K.I.Ved for awhile..


 " I wanna lose kg's " always be on the top of my wishlist for every new year's eve. I would always think on ways to get back my shape after giving birth. i browsed, i surfed, i bloghopped..then finally found K.Mai's page. Besides, my friends in UNITEN also suggested the same product. This shows that PB is very well known and beneficial!

She sold Premium Beautiful, the magical corset that can helped ladies to get their ideal n dream body figure huhuhu...So after hubby agreed, i bought a set and wore it consistenly. Alhamdullilah..i could feel the effects in 2 weeks, my waist was getting smaller n smaller. Till one of my frens eventually asked me What's ur secrets?? Then, a word BUSINESS popped up in my head! I was then arranged an appointment with my sifu K.mai to present the benefits of PB in detail..and closed! Started from there, i had a perception that this product is of high quality and it's proven to provide lots of healthy benefits for all women...Thus, I DECIDED to start PB business under K.mai's guidance and help...and once i stepped into this business, i will never turn back!

                                         This is me NOW!

and I'm PROUD to tell that I am a PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL authorized agent!

wanna be my next apprentice???
give me a call 019-620 2296

                                  thanks for reading my entry

Friday, 13 January 2012

Another Testimonial!

Asslamualaikum W.B.T

Hi gengs! Hari ni ayda nk kongsi dgn u ols tentang testimoni rakan sekerja ayda yg telah menyarungkan PB masuk 4 minggu dah. Name dia Intan. Intan ni sgt peramah dan sistematik bila buat keje tau. Especially nk meng'handle' students (maklumlah kne jaga hal ehwal plajar). ok back to our topic (ngehehe), Intan dah pakai PB corset ni selama 4 minggu dah..and yg paling ketara ayda nmpak perubahan intan ialah di bahagian perut. Saiz yg intan pakai sama mcm yg ayda pakai memula dulu..iaitu bulan 3, tahun lepas. Jomss layan pikchaz...

Ini gambar masa first time sarungkan PB: Slim serta merta > Instant effect hoccay!

punggung smakin mantop okkay!tanak ker??

Satu lagi Intan mentioned punggung dh semakin mantap. Mmg betul sebab long girdle berfungsi utk angkat balik punggung kita yg dh jatuh agar nampak cantik semula. Di samping tu kan lelemak di perut kita akan mula me'lembut'..sbb lelemak tepu kita tu dh dibakar slowly oleh Far Infrared Rays yg terdapat dlm bebenang fabrik PB. Lama kelamaan..lemak2 tu akan hilang..HILANG! bukan disembunyikan okkay!

Dan yang paling menngejutkan ayda tentang transformasi intan ialah dia BOLEH pakai baju dia yg saiz L (selalunya dia pkai tripple L) hanya ambik masa 2 minggu jerk!! masyaAllah sgt cepat!
 Tak caya??  ce tengok nih!

Masa minggu ketiga  dia pkai PB.. ayda singgah kt opis intan japs..nk snap gamba dia pkai baju kurung pahang..cantik je nampak dan elok je terletak..Perut dan pinggang dh semakin slim dlm hanya 3 minggu...haa cer tgok gambo kt bawah tu..

kita org pempuan ni..kalau x selesa dgn tubuh badan kita, kita takkan rasa CONFIDENT kan?????
selagi body xde shape yg cantik selagi tu laa low self-esteem..Tapi takper...PB boleh tingkatkan balik tahap keyakinan diri kita..Sarung je 8 jam sehari cukup! Sihat luar dalam...

Pastu intan ni nampak yg market utk PB ni sgt luas. So Intan pun nak juga start jual PB corset ni. So kawan2, kalau nk beli korset boleh order kt intan juga ya. Insyaallah dia akan tolong u ols agar 'mampu milik' korset tu.

Orang yg bijak mengambil peluang,
ialah orang yg bijak mengatur kehidupannya =)

Meet up dgn pemimpin group kita, CDM Mai

Rakan2 kami yg lain a.k.a PB customers yg puas hati
iaitu K.Mar n K.zue  =)

Produk kualiti, customer puas hati!

nak TRIAL? Boleeehhh freeee jerr
call ayda 019-620 2296

thanks for reading my entry

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Everything I do..I do it for You...

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Inna solati, wanusuki, wamahyaya, wamamati,
Lillahirabbil 'alamin.
"Sesungguhnya solatku dan ibadatku, dan hidupku dan matiku, hanyalah untuk Allah Tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan sekalian alam. "
 -Surah Al-An'am ayat 162-


Bila kita renung2kan balik...
Apa tujuan kita hidup di muka bumi ni?
Hidup kita ni sementara sahaja..
Tak nak ke kita rebut peluang yg ada ni utk kita lakukan yg terbaik utk hidup kita..?
Kita wajib berusaha ke arah keselesaan dan kebahagian hidup kita dan keluarga..
Macam kita involve dalam biznes ni, tak salah...
Kita bertanggungjawab utk cari rezeki tambahan asalkan biznes dan cara kita buat biznes tu HALAL..
Bila dah ada duit, salurkanlah ke tempat yg betul..
iaitu Jalan yg diredhai oleh Allah S.W.T..
Agar rezeki kita lebih berkat dan subur..

Jangan takut..
Mengapa nak takut..?
Mengapa nak takut utk buat biznes..?
Kita ni bila nak buat perkara baik..kita takut...
Tapi bila buat perkara jahat..langsung tak ingat nak takut...

Sekarang ni..berubahlah..
Lupakan sejarah semalam..
Mulalah lembaran baru..
Masih belum terlambat..
Orang gagal bukanlah org yg kalah setelah MENCUBA..
Tetapi org yg GAGAL ialah mereka yg GAGAL utk MENCUBA...
Niat Kerana Allah..
Positifkan minda...
Sentiasa fokus..
Percayakan diri..
Buat sehabis baik...
Beri masa..
Doa selalu..
Insyallah..Allah pasti tunjukkan jalan

Sekadar luahan dan peringatan utk diri sendiri =)

Thanks for reading my entry

Thursday, 5 January 2012

LACTO-LITE is My Choice!!

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

What is Lacto-Lite actually???

There are billions BACTERIA exist in our colons i.e. 1.5 kg from our body weight. Our colons should contain 80% or more 'good' bacteria and 20% of 'bad' bacteria. God bacteria will prevent our tummy from any stomach problems...while the bad ones will harm our health.

However, the numbers of good bacteria will be reduced due several factors such as imbalance eating habit, aging, stress, overdose antibiotic consumption. Thus, our digestion system needs supplementary probiotic.


Lacto-lite Yogurt with Live Culture & Inulin Powder Drink
combines the health benefits and live culture and inulin to safeguard your digestive system.

Live culture consists of friendly bacteria that are ingested to assist in digestion. Meantime, inulin (fiber) stimulates the growth of bacteria in the digestive system.

Benefits of Nurich Lacto-Lite:

- Promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut and assists in digestion
- Assists in nutrient absorption of necessary minerals and vitamins
- Helps to relieve constipation
- Relieves lactose intolerance

Directions: Take 1 sachet daily. May increase dosage if required. For better result, it is recommended to drink at least 800cc of water after taking this product.


How to buy Lacto Lite?
contact Ayda at 019-620 2296

 - thanks for reading this entry -

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year...Make a Wish!!!

Asalamualaikum W.B.T

I still remember last year..i was listing down my wishes in my diary.. Yeah that was 2011.

And my wishes for last years were:

1. I target to complete my Master's degree.
(syukur. I've finished writing my thesis and submitting this month)
2. I want to lose my kilos (ideal = 60).
(syukur. I found PB corset and i lost 6kgs becomes 65kg)
3. I want to start doing a business.
(yess! I found the BEST business ever..premium beautiful business.
4. I want to upgrade my MYVi to Honda Civic.
(syukur..managed to buy it after a month doing this business)
5. I want to start saving money for my mom's hajj fund!
(syukur. I started saving for her already and my mom is going to perform hajj in 2013)
6. I want to have a DSLR camera!
( hubby's n i dream camera..n we got it)
7. I want to have an iPad too..
(syukur..i finally have an iPad2)

Now,i'm listing down my new wishes for this brand new year..

First thing first..i would like to extend my heartfealt gratitude to Allah S.W.T for every opportunity and blessings he has granted to me and my family in year 2011..whatever i wished..He always gave..thanks Ya Allah...thanks so much..

And my wishes for this brand new year 2012 are:

1. I target to achieve Diamond Sales Manager level.
2. I would like to expand my premium beautiful business to whole Malaysia.
3. I would help all my business partners achieve their targets as well.
4. I want to be a good leader.
5. I want to lose kgs more target 60kg.
6. I want to go for overseas vacation with 5stars package!
7. I want to have an LV handbag ehehehe
8. I want to have a HOnda CR-Z as my second car!
9. I want to increase my family saving and Hajj fund.
10. I want to perform umrah with family...inshallah..
11. I want to go on stage to receive my master's scroll and also my DDM award.

These are my dreams for 2012. And I am now ready to face anything to achieve my targets !! With this business, all your dreams will come true. And I believe in it!

Start doing a business to guarantee your child's future!!

Free business consultation??
Call ayda now!
019-620 2296

Thanks for reading my short entry! =p


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